Rebecca Cory
Rebecca has always been interested in education. She would line up her stuffed animals up and teach them school when she was seven years old. Her views on education have become more radical since that time. She’s abandoned the math lesson plans and orderly rows of students in favour of studies in inequality, social justice and practices that challenge power relations. She is privileged to get to put these ideas into practice through her work with University 101, a program at UVic that offers free, non-credit classes for people who have faced barriers to education.
She’s especially interested in systemic analyses that examine how society has been organized to the benefit of some. Oh yeah, and how it could be organized differently.
Rebecca is also interested in media and communications, especially in the possibilities and limitations of media to create change in our world.
Rebecca joined interrobang in part because she finds it hard to write without a deadline. Probably because she has been trained in traditional educational settings, where she received a BA in Women’s Studies and Political Science, and a MA in Education.
A new generation of queer love: Bloom by Kevin Panetta and Savanna Ganucheau
Bloom is a graphic novel about a young man in…
The closet, sewing communities, and yay for good comments
I’m loving this article written on the Sewcialists blog. It’s…
Sometimes courage is choosing not to jump
Watch this. I find it so fascinating. The video shows…
The Evil Woman trope
Full disclosure: we watch crime shows on TV. Not a…
The failure of “Movements in Art Since 1945”
I’ve been reading art history lately, and most of it…
Sharing public space
BC Transit in Victoria is currently seeking feedback on a…